Esta tarde tuvo lugar la primera batalla de la campaña que hemos empezado a jugar de IHMN, El Despertar de Ra, entre la liga de las chicas extraordinarias de Miguel (Culebras) y los hombres de Merlín de Domingo (Carpetano).
This afternoon we started our IHMN campaign we have begun, The Awakening of Ra. The first battle was between Miguel's League of Extraordinary Girls (Culebras) and Domingo's The Men of Merlin (Carpetano).
This afternoon we started our IHMN campaign we have begun, The Awakening of Ra. The first battle was between Miguel's League of Extraordinary Girls (Culebras) and Domingo's The Men of Merlin (Carpetano).
Curiosamente los líderes de ambas compañías no estaban presente, de hecho las fuerzas de Merlín presentes en el escenario eran algo escasas, un médico, un teniente y tres fusileros, contra siete chicas de armas tomar. Era un pequeño escenario, con tres edificios que eran objetivo de ambos bandos, uno para defenderlos, las chicas, y otro para tomarlos, las tropas inglesas de Merlin.
Aunque las chicas tenían la misión de aguantar en las tres casas todos los turnos, no sabían que los hombres de Merlín sólo necesitaban ocupar uno de ellos, y además intentar capturar a una de ellas. Sin embargo esa no fue la tarde de Merlin.
Curiously, although the Girls' mission was to hold on to all three houses, they weren't aware that their enemy's mission was just to occupy one of them, as well as trying to capture one of the girls. This was not to be a good afternoon for Merlin's Men however...
Curiously, although the Girls' mission was to hold on to all three houses, they weren't aware that their enemy's mission was just to occupy one of them, as well as trying to capture one of the girls. This was not to be a good afternoon for Merlin's Men however...
Los primeros turnos fueron de aproximación, con los personajes acercándose, aprovechando las coberturas que encontraban en su camino. No fue hasta el turno cuarto cuando hubo el cara a cara, y sin lugar a dudas resultó decisivo.
The first few turns were just manouevering, taking advantage of cover on the way to their objectives. It wasn't until the fourth turn that they came face to face, and it was a decisive encounter.
The first few turns were just manouevering, taking advantage of cover on the way to their objectives. It wasn't until the fourth turn that they came face to face, and it was a decisive encounter.
Las chicas, pese a no tener nadie con liderazgo ganaron la iniciativa en ese turno, y una de ellas, a través de las ventanillas del omnibus, disparó su rifle ARC que impactó de lleno en un fusilero, haciendo inservible su brigantina, cayendo al suelo fulminado.
The Girls, despite not having any characters with Leadership, managed to gain the initiative this turn. One of them shot her ARC rifle throught the windows of the omnibus and dropped a rifleman.
The Girls, despite not having any characters with Leadership, managed to gain the initiative this turn. One of them shot her ARC rifle throught the windows of the omnibus and dropped a rifleman.
Al otro lado el teniente inglés, entró en la casa para combatir cuerpo a cuerpo con la pobre chica que se encontraba allí sola y hacerse con el control de la edificación. Pero la chica realizó su tirada de combate primero, y no estaba tan desvalida como creía el oficial inglés, ya que con su espada y el talento de duelista le hizo un siete, y cuando se quiso dar cuenta estaba en el suelo con su uniforme lleno de sangre.
Meanwhile, the Lieutenant on the other side entered a house to enter hand-to-hand combat with the poor girl inside who was defending it. It turned out she was not as defenceless as the English officer thought, attacking first using her Duellist talent to wound him and leaving him bleeding on the floor.
Meanwhile, the Lieutenant on the other side entered a house to enter hand-to-hand combat with the poor girl inside who was defending it. It turned out she was not as defenceless as the English officer thought, attacking first using her Duellist talent to wound him and leaving him bleeding on the floor.
En un turno Merlín había perdido casi la mitad de sus tropas, uno de ellos su personaje más importante del escenario, y viendo que la situación se podía poner más fea, y que todas las bajas que tuviera ahora las podría echar de menos más adelante decidió una retirada estratégica.
In just one turn Merlin had lost almost half his men, one of them the most important figure on the tabletop. In light of this, and considering the ramifications of an even more severe defeat for his future in the campaign, he decided to make a tactical withdrawal.
In just one turn Merlin had lost almost half his men, one of them the most important figure on the tabletop. In light of this, and considering the ramifications of an even more severe defeat for his future in the campaign, he decided to make a tactical withdrawal.
Al final el fusilero inglés caído murió de las heridas sufridas, el teniente sin embargo consiguió reponerse, pero cuando recobró el conocimiento se dio cuenta que estaba prisionero de las chicas ¿Tal vez habría sido mejor morir?
In the end the English rifleman died of his wounds, although the Lieutenant regained consciousness, only to find himself a prisoner of the Extraordinary Girls. Perhaps death would have been preferable...?
In the end the English rifleman died of his wounds, although the Lieutenant regained consciousness, only to find himself a prisoner of the Extraordinary Girls. Perhaps death would have been preferable...?
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La figura que ha tenido el funesto honor de convertirse en la primera baja oficial de la campaña The figure unlucky enough to have the honour of becoming the first casualty of the campaign |
¡Qué interesante! Seguiré muy atento todos los episodios de vuestra campaña.